Saturday 15 March 2008

Miles Hunt & Erica Nockalls/Nomad Jones

I wasn't going to bother blogging this one, because I only went to keep the other half company and I am not a fan of Miles Hunt. However, their support, Nomad Jones, is worthy of a little blog so I decided I better have.
Nomad (apparently his real name is Damon - see what he did there?!) comes across as a very unassuming character with his floppy hair and shy demeanour, but this belies his voice. Backed with a cello, violin and bass, he creates what he terms as 'heartfelt folk' with his tales of heartbreak and late nights out with girls. He's still young but has a voice that shows experience and depth. It's not exciting music, but it's well written and, indeed, heartfelt. Worth a listen.
Miles Hunt irritates the bejesus out of me. Some of the Wonderstuff's songs were anthems of late-night journeys home on Saturday nights, or jangly accompaniments to summer days out in the Maestro. He only plays one of these, right at the end, when I was almost too far asleep to sing along with 'Golden Green'. He's written some good songs but, for me, ruins them by his sniping comments at people who've been a lot more successful than he has and with his overly nasal vocals. Erica's a fantastic violinist but it's Miles' show. I think for the Wonderstuff-devoted faithful in such a small show, it was a treat to see their idol so close up but reputation alone wasn't going to wash with me I'm afraid. He wasn't bad; I just don't get what the fuss is about!
And the Roadhouse smells funny now that there is no smoking!