Thursday 25 September 2008

Strike Anywhere 21st September 2008 - Music Box, Manchester

Crikey, I almost forgot to blog this one. I nearly missed the gig too as I only found out about it a couple of weeks ago. I first found Strike Anywhere on a cold and grey Glaswegian evening, supporting As Friends Rust. We saw them several times that tour, on account of us being addicted to seeing AFR and stalking them the length and breadth of the country. I was impressed by SA's honesty and energy and always check them out when they're in town. It must be a while since we saw them last though as I don't believe I have seen them on this tour for Dead FM, and they've been touring that for two years now.
Anyway, off we trot to the Music Box a.k.a. the downstairs of Rockworld. It hasn't changed one iota since I was waving my tresses about to L7 and the like in the last millennium. I took very little notice of the support bands, I'm afraid, as I'd had very little sleep over the weekend and a mad week of work prior to that. There's nothing like a Strike Anywhere show to blow the cobwebs off. There was a small but devoted crowd who went mental the minute the band came on stage. There were a lot of songs off the last two albums but we got 'Chorus of One' and a fair few off the 'Change is a Sound' record, which I think is still my favourite. SA always remind me of a punk version of the Levellers. There are dreadlocks and a very all-inclusive vibe though you never get the feeling you're being judged or preached to. 'Chalk Line' is dedicated to the girls in the scene who stop it being a boys club. I applaud that sentiment!
Their newer material is more punk than hardcore and I often think of them and Rise Against in the similar vein. Imagine my glee when I find out today that Rise Against are touring too.
I think it's fair to say that I've enjoyed other SA gigs better as the sound was not that great in the Music Box, but that's more to do with the acoustics of the venue than anything else. Singer Tom looks not a day older than the first day I met him and has lost none of that energy. Oh yeah, I got asked for ID on the way in too - result! He's still one of the most affable guys I've met and I'm pleased to hear they've got loads of new material written and just need the studio time. They play a good set that is well received and it's a lot like meeting up with old friends.
They're playing in Leeds next Friday so anyone who's not at a wedding (i.e. not us!) should go and check them out. You won't be disappointed!
8/10 (because of bad sound)

Monday 1 September 2008


Watch this space - I'm exhausted but will summarise August's gig-fest and be back later with some photos and a much better blog.
Started wonderfully with As Friends Rust at Camden Underworld (19th I think). I can't begin to express how excited I was about this though I was also apprehensive in case they had suffered from not playing for 6 or so years. They hadn't. It was fantastic. The atmosphere was super-charged, everyone was there like it was the only gig in the world ever and I think I've still got the grin welded to my face. Gutted it was a one-off tour but I'm still living in vague hope.
Then was Leeds festival but to be honest I've forgotten most of it. I'm tired. The Kills were great and I did enjoy the daftness of Tenacious D on the Friday. Saturday, QOTSA were way better than they have been the last few times I saw them and Rage Against the Machine were every bit as explosive as the last time I saw them (1996/7?). Still part of me wished to be in Stoke watching As Friends Rust. I was gutted at the loss of my duck umbrella, but pleased to see how ace the VIP loos were and very glad not to have to go in the ordinary campsie. I'm a complete lightweight. Sunday was capped off nicely with Manic Street Preachers, though I was deeply peturbed by the lukewarm response to Little Baby Nothing - it's a classic, you idiots!
In between all this, we had a lovely weekend with friends in Brighton, a trip to Lille to ruin my insides with cream and egg-based foods and beer and a visit to the Burke clan in Sussex to celebrate my niece's 18th. That made me feel old.
I've 5 weeks and 2 days till the next foreign jaunt and far too much to do before then so I will go and prepare with a big sleep. I will do a proper blog soon, I promise!