Sunday 24 November 2013

Dogs and walnuts

A wonderful week of learning. First off,  I learned that it's never a good idea to tempt fate by saying "I never have any problem with [insert issue] anymore.
I went on a trip to the Guide Dog training centre in Atherton on Tuesday and learned that Guide Dogs choose when to retire by just stopping one day. I'm wondering if this will work for me. The trainers give the dogs a lot of love and I left full of admiration for the dogs and trainers.
I tried to learn a lot about comets last night but fell asleep. This morning I've put into practice a theory that rubbing walnuts on scratched furniture fixes it and,  shock horror, it actually works.  Still got sort the water marks but my table looks a lot better.
Off out to buy more walnuts now.

Monday 18 November 2013

The weight of forks

Today I learnt how much it hurts to drop a heavy kitchen fork onto a very lightly shod foot.
I also learned some new process improvement techniques.  That was far less painful and hopefully a darn site more useful.
I tried to learn how Bonnie Thunders manages to push her way past awesome defence but I think it'll take more than studying bouts on YouTube to master that one.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Vickipedia: things I learned last week

I decided to start this blog again but make it more like its name so I'll be sharing things I've learnt.
Last week I learned that:
Hawaiian centipedes can be up to a foot long.
Dropping a chair on your shin is a very bad idea.
Clearing out all your handbags is immensely satisfying and will yield many things thought lost forever.
The nice shiny diner on the way into Liverpool has been turned into a Subway.
Tapping your foot vigorously at a gig can result in considerable pain if you've dropped a chair on your shin earlier in the week.
My friend has not seen Singles.  This will be rectified.
So,  not a wasted week then.