Thursday 6 November 2008

Life Among People - Manchester Academy 23rd October 08

LAP made another appearance at the Academy Unsigned. Now a 3 piece again, the trio are edging closer to finding their own sound but already stand out against the rafts of generic rock bands being bandied around these days. Their new songs have a new-found intensity in their subtleties and sound fresh. They're lucky in that the overall sound isn't affected too much by being a 3 piece, though I must say it's a fuller sound with an extra guitar in the mix. I also must confess that I was recovering from a stomach bug so perhaps didn't take as much notice as I maybe should have but was still impressed. Their cover of the Terminator theme tune is still sublime although I am getting concerned that the younger elements of the crowds seem to not know what it is - the youth of today! I don't think it was one of their best performances but the Academy Unsigned nights are always a difficult crowd to please. I'm sure a big break must be on the horizon.

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