Thursday 6 November 2008

Taste of Chaos - Manchester Academy 2 - 30th September

I am pleased to report that I wasn't the oldest person at Taste of Chaos - Danny and Feisty were there too. We did look like we should have been there with our children though. That aside, I was looking forward to it.
HORSE the Band were quite unlike anything I have ever seen before. Their singer looked like Philip Seymour Hoffman with a mullet, keyboard player looked remarkably Napoleon Dynamite-esque and one of Flight of the Conchords appeared to be on guitar. They're quite a difficult band to describe. They don't sound quite like anyone else. Ever. Loud, shouty vocals, angular guitars and varied-tempo drums, with a sprinkling of what sounds like a Nintendo through the keyboards. Like Converge crossed with Manic Miner. After a couple of minutes of the full-on aural assault though, I was starting to appreciate the troupe of bouncy people yelling at us. It's good to see something different for a start and their website made me chuckle when I got home. Yes, I think I will definitely go and see them again if they play these grey shores again. Plus, they have HORSE in their name and I love horses best of all the animals...
Anyway, there was another band on that I didn't go to watch as I was chatting about knitting or something and couldn't be bothered moving. Sorry, MUCC.
As I Lay Dying were about as cheerful as you might deduce from the name. I stuck out about 2 songs of their quite generic power metal and then went to find someone to talk to about knitting. I really am very rock 'n' roll.
Story of the Year were a surprise. I was expecting a bit of a wishy-washy band as I only know that one song that goes 'Until the Day I Die' but they were a lot shoutier and more impressive. They seem to have a lot more depth to them live than on record, although I was hoping for the backflips they're famous for and they never materialised. It is a bit of a small stage in there.
Atreyu were the band I was most looking forward to. I've seen them a couple of times before and Lead Sails, Paper Anchor is a really strong album. I finally persuaded the other half to come and see them too. I wished I hadn't. They weren't dreadful, but the shouty, muscly man was really struggling with his vocals and the Academy 2 didn't quite seem big enough for the sound they make, so resulting in a lot of echo. Some of the songs (i.e. where shouty man stuck to shouting, leaving singing drummer to do the singing) still came across well and I'll never get sick of hearing 'Right Side of the Bed'. Other half looked positively worried at 'Blow' but I've still seen worse bands. Couldn't help feeling a bit let down.
7/10 (Mainly for HORSE being so good)

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