Monday 10 November 2008

Profane, Ruby Lounge, Manchester, November 1st 2008

I think we are lucky that we have talented friends and I look forward to seeing them in bands. With this in mind, we set off to see Profane at the Ruby Lounge in Manchester the other weekend. We managed to miss everything that went on before the band but that didn't matter as Profane were our reason for being there. This was their first show featuring visual effects by Fata Morgana, which explained why everyone had white shirts on. Never seen Darryll in anything light coloured before! Anyway - the visuals worked really well and added to the atmosphere; not that they needed any help with that. If you haven't heard them, there are some definite progressive slants in there, some brutal noise, epic soundwaves and some good old Tool-esque angular rhythms. Pretty complicated stuff but never too challenging that you give up and get bored.
Profane hadn't played in Manchester since their ill-fated support slot with Ministry and there was a fair crowd there waiting to see their return.
First part of the set was older material from 'The Day we Scorched the Sky' which still sounds big and clever in all the right ways. The second part was new songs which are just phenomenal. I've listened to a new song they've got on myspace and they really don't sound like anyone else. There is a lot of complexity in the music but a great deal of subtlety too. Basically, I was very impressed and think the show was a big success. I really hope they carry on getting an increasing following and am sure they're destined for big things.
Good job Profane were so good else my lasting memory of the evening would have been being offered a lap dance in the Ruby Lounge.

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